Clare Schexnyder

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Oh Baby! Fitness

Clare Schexnyder is the founder and CEO of Oh Baby! Fitness, a company that offers exercise classes for new and expectant moms. She's also an activist and community organizer and one of the founding members of the Decatur Dinners, an amazing evening that took place in August 2019 where over 1200 people sat down at pot luck dinners in homes with a diverse table of guests, a host, a trained facilitator and African American actor. Guests watched an original play and then shared a meal, their reaction to the play and personal stories on racism and equity.


Clare’s Favorite Anti-Racist Quote:

“It is insufficient to only tell your children that racism and racists are bad. It is insufficient to simply explain “We love people of all colors.” It is lazy and near damaging to proclaim a love for all people but never make the leap of actually reaching out to people of color or adding tangible diversity to your life. In a world filled with empty rhetoric, our children don’t need to hear words from us without action. They need to see us embody the beliefs we claim to hold dear.”

― Bellamy Shoffner, Revolutionary Humans