Terra Gay
The Ngambika Academy
Terra Gay is an educator, activist, author and entrepreneur. She developed The Ngambika Academy (a Kiswahili word pronounced Nam-bee-kah, meaning help me carry the load), which is designed to provide a train the trainer model and curriculum for volunteers and mentors seeking to create ongoing leadership, service learning, and life skills training for young people. She also launched Terra Gay Consulting to offer transformative diversity, equity and inclusion training and solutions for organizations.
Terra’s favorite anti-racist quote:
It is insufficient to only tell your children that racism and racist are bad. It is insufficient to simply explain "we love people of all colors." It is lazy and near damaging to proclaim a love for all people but never make the leap of actually reaching out to people of color or adding tangible diversity to your life. In a world filled with empty rhetoric, our children don't need to know and hear words from us without action. They need to see us embody the beliefs we claim to hold dear.
- Bellamy Shoffner